There were three gypsies a came to my door,
And downstairs ran this lady, O!
One sang high and the other sang low,
And one sang bonny, bonny, Biscay, O!

Three yellow gypsies came to my door

Out they sang so merrily, O

One sang high and the other sang low

And one sang bonny, bonny, Biscay, O!

Then she pulled off her silk finished gown
And put on boots of leather, O!
The ragged, ragged, rags about our door,

She's gone with the wraggle taggle gypsies, O!

Three yellow gypsies came to my door

Out they sang so merrily O

One sang high and the other sang low

And one sang bonny, bonny, Biscay, O!

It was late last night, when my lord came home,
Enquiring for his a-lady, O!
The servants said, on every hand,
She's gone with the wraggle taggle gypsies, O!

Three yellow gypsies came to my door

Out they sang so merrily, O

One sang high and the other sang low

And one sang bonny, bonny, Biscay, O!

Then he rode high and he rode low,
He rode through woods 'til the cocks did crow

(Shannon sings what turn out to be original words:

He rode through the woods and the copses too),
Until he came to a wide open field,

And there he espied his a-lady, O!

Three yellow gypsies came to my door

Out they sang so merrily, O

One sang high and the other sang low

And one sang bonny, bonny, Biscay, O!

What makes you leave your house and land?
What makes you leave your money, O?
What makes you leave your new wedded lord?
To follow the wraggle taggle gypsies, O!

What care I for my house and my land?
What care I for my money, O?
What care I for my new wedded lord?
I'm off with the wraggle taggle gypsies, O!

Last night you slept on a goose-feather bed,
With the sheets turned down so comely, O!
And to-night you'll sleep in a cold open field,
Along with the wraggle taggle gypsies, O!

What care I for my goose-feather bed?
With the sheet turned down so comely, O!

To-night I'lll sleep in a cold open field,
Along with the wraggle taggle gypsies, O!